Children's Books, Dyslexia

May 8, 2023

Meet the Character: Darcy

Darcy was the first character ever created for The Empower Empathy Early Series. She is a second grader who is creative, passionate, and hardworking. She loves to draw and paint anything but especially the places she aspires to travel to someday.

Darcy’s experience with dyslexia is based on Abigail’s own personal experience in school.

The feeling of struggling to read aloud to others is a shared one with most, if not all, dyslexics and so many more! Darcy faces struggles, including following along while reading, spelling, confidence, and memorization. However, Darcy has plenty of strengths as well! Some of her dyslexic strengths include her creativity, empathy, and perseverance. She gets some of her ability with art based on the illustrator, Cecilia. When creating this character, it was easy to combine our abilities to create Darcy.

Meet Darcy today in “D is for Darcy Not Dyslexia”, the first book in The Empower Empathy Early Series. Click Here to Purchase Now.

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