Author, Children's Books, Dyslexia, QFK

December 10, 2023

QFK: Do you see your dyslexia as a superpower?

(QFK) Questions from Kids is a series of questions Abigail has gotten while speaking at school visits or elsewhere from kids. Check out the series to see insightful questions asked from children.

Do you see your dyslexia as a superpower?

I have gotten some form of this question multiple times. I love that kids ask about it but it does require a little bit of explaining. However, I answer this question like I do with all the others, with honesty.

I start by sharing that at their age, when I was struggling with school and homework every single day, that I didn’t see it as a superpower. I only saw the things that made learning difficult.

It wasn’t until I was at university and started to learn more about dyslexia that I saw the strengths that come with dyslexia. I made sure to include these aspects inside Darcy. During the end of the presentation, I share my dyslexic strengths.

I wouldn’t be who I am today without my dyslexia, both the challenges and strengths. So, yes now I can consider it to be a superpower but it took a while for me to see it that way.

Check out another QFK: Why did you write your first book?

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